Chromic Oxide (chromium(III) oxide; chromia; chromium sequioxide; green cinnabar).
Crâ‚‚03. CAS: 1308-38-9.
Properties: Bright-green, extremely hard crystals; d 5.2; mp 2435C; bp 4000C; insoluble in water, acids, and alkalies.
(a) By heating chromium hydroxide,
(b) by heating dry ammonium dichromate,
(c) by heating sodium dichromate with sulfur and washing out the sodium sulfate.
Hazard: Toxic by ingestion and inhalation. TLV: 0.5 mg/m³ of air.
Use: Metallurgy, green paint pigment, ceramics, catalyst in organic synthesis, green granules in asphalt roofing, component of refractory brick, abrasive.